
A Guide To Effective Dietary Supplements: How To Choose Among A Maze Of Products


The manufacture of effective dietary supplements requires specific and monitored operations. Such operations must take place within a suitable production facility. Only production facilities that seek to duplicate the clean and certified interiors of a pharmaceutical company can truly create the most effective dietary supplements.

Anyone who has worked in or in tandem with a pharmaceutical production facility can appreciate the essential elements of a process that can create high quality dietary supplements. Such a person would recognize the need for quality ingredients. That is why effective dietary supplements must have raw materials that have been selected on the basis of quality first and foremost, not price.

Likewise, a pharmaceutical facility must create medicines that have a known potency. For that reason, the most effective dietary supplements are produced from herbal extracts with a known potency. Moreover, the production facility does not rely on the potency claimed by the provider of the herbal extract. Instead, a good production facility will take time to double-check on an extract’s potency once it has been blended into the supplement.

The nature of the blending process introduces yet another area in which the proper procedure can either ensure or prevent the creation of effective dietary supplements. In the facilities with the most advanced manufacturing techniques, a 3D blender is used to produce the supplements.

In such facilities the creation of the tablet takes place within hours after the blending of the raw ingredients. In that way the blended ingredients do not have time to stratify before being put into a tablet. Such stratification would remove from the facility the ability to create effective dietary supplements because it would create uneven amounts of ingredients from one tablet to the next, which is a common problem when it comes to supplement products. This is why you often read in the media that many supplements do not contain the amount of ingredients stated on the label.

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Yet the blending process does not represent the only point where the manufacture of effective dietary supplements might depart from the rigorous conditions adhered to in a pharmaceutical facility. Controls on supplement production must begin well before the blending of ingredients takes place. Such controls should include the microbiological testing of the raw materials.

Still, raw materials that are free from microbes might not qualify to be considered the “most effective dietary supplements.” Such materials could contain harmful metals, such as mercury, lead, arsenic or cadmium. A good production facility will include a process for detection of such harmful metals.

Upon completion of all testing, the production facility must recognize yet another possible source of error — human error. Before the blending takes-place the raw ingredients must pass-through a weighing process. In the best production facilities, there needs to be some sort of double-check on the accuracy of the measured weights.

Moreover, the production facility cannot assume that introduction of double-check on the weighing will eliminate concerns about the facility’s possible failure to create effective dietary supplements. Mistakes could occur during the making of the tablets. Such mistakes could introduce features that would be unacceptable.

A good production facility will check to see how well the produced tablets manage to resist breakage. A good production facility will check to see how readily the produced tablets might exhibit signs of disintegration. Those checks offer the customer assurance that the ingested tablets provide a vehicle for delivery of effective dietary supplements.

Arguably the most effective of supplement delivery “vehicles’ is known as enteric coating, which prevents some of the more sensitive nutrients from being destroyed by stomach acids before they can reach the bloodstream and disperse throughout the body, where the nutrients are needed.

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In a nutshell, enteric coating is done in the following fashion: the manufacturer puts a polymer film over the manufactured tablets. That polymer film will not break-down while the tablet is in the stomach (an the acidic PH level). Once the tablet has entered the small intestine (where the PH level is less acidic), however, the polymer film allows the release of the effective dietary supplements’ nutrients that were packed into that tiny tablet.