
Fitness Business Marketing Tips For Beginners


You’ve done it. You’re set with this idea that you’re going to start your own fitness business. You’ve put in a lot of time and tons of money. Now let’s get down to business with your marketing plan with these top business fitness business marketing strategies.

Once you get through all of the “little things” involved in starting a business in the fitness industry: securing a location, figuring out a schedule and the hundred other little things you need to take care of, it’s time to start advertising your new business to get it off the ground and growing. You may not even know where to begin; but these fitness business marketing tips can help you to get your new business off to a great start.

The first thing you have to do is figure out who you’re trying to sell your services to. Unless you know who your target market is, you’ll be wasting a lot of time, money and effort in advertising campaigns which simply aren’t reaching the right market with the right message. You probably have clients with a variety of demographics; in which case you’ll need to run separate campaigns to get your message across.

Let’s suppose that your business provides fitness services including individual and group training and coaching and a fitness boot camp. One of the most valuable fitness business marketing tips you’ll ever hear is this: don’t use the same advertising for each of these target groups. Instead, determine who the most likely audience is for each message. Are these people more likely male, female, or a mixed group? Are they affluent or are the more likely to be in search of lower-cost fitness services? Knowing who your market is allows you to decide how and where to advertise your services.

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Fortunately, there are some very low cost yet effective methods of advertising your fitness business. For instance, give your clients t-shirts with the name of your business on them and you’ve created walking billboards for your fitness business. Even if you don’t have enough customers at this point to make this an effective marketing tool, remember that you can offer models free training in exchange for an agreement to wear your t-shirts. This has the added advantage of letting passersby see that you have a group of people working out, which will draw in new clients, guaranteed.

You can also try advertising your personal training and fitness services on Craigslist. This is something which will work better if you live in a larger city, but it’s always worth a try given the popularity of the site and the fact that it’s free to place many kinds of ads. You can include images in your ads (before and after pictures are a good idea) and you should definitely include a phone number and a link to your site. Keep in mind that this ad is the only time that these potential clients may hear about your business, so make sure that your ad is as compelling as possible.

There are plenty of other fitness business marketing tips you can try, but these tips should get you off to a good start. You’ll also probably want to take some classes on writing good sales copy and perhaps even some classes on fitness business advertising. There’s no shortage of information out there – simply looking up “fitness marketing” in any search engine should give you a wealth of ideas to promote your fitness business.

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