
Optimizing a Healthy Lifestyle


The human body is a highly evolved biological machine. Lifestyle plays a big role in optimizing your general health. It’s in your best interest to adopt a healthy one. I know it’s not easy to develop one; but, doing so can definitely do wonders to your body for the long haul. But, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to do walking, swimming, running and biking, even in your twilight years?

Consider how you think, eat, train, recuperate, plan, focus and more. It goes without saying that these core essentials of lifestyle alone could stand a level-up in each of our lives as persons, parents, professionals who may also be into the military, sports, creative pursuits on top of “life” itself.

In life, knowing that energy is everything and everything depends on this vital energy is essential. The thing is, the energy we’re talking about most of us have taken for granted for far too long because you can’t see it or touch it.

Nonetheless, you experience this, your primary source of energy, every minute of every day, and while you know when it’s depleted you often won’t know how depleted until you hit the wall-an athletic term to describe depleted energy. It’s your battery power, your body is the battery, and it’s easy to misinterpret how much power you have unless you are informed and skilled. It’s because we’re living with an underlying personal energy deficit that compromises human function and therefore your lifestyle which reinforces the vicious cycle.

If you think that energy is merely the result of what you eat and drink or how you think (psychology) and that you go to sleep merely because it’s dark, everyone else is doing it and your tired (but don’t know why), chances are you are living in a chronic state of energy deficit because you don’t value sleep enough or understand the profound impact it’s having on your life or the lack thereof.

See also  Healthy Lifestyles - Your Choice

The food you take in can either heal or harm. You make that choice every day by what you put on your mouth. Most of the food consumed by humans has been carbohydrates. In fact, plant foods are comprised mostly of carbohydrates: vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains, nuts, seeds, herbs, and spices. These foods contain slowly released sources of sugar that prevent surges of blood sugar and insulin.

Too much insulin causes heart disease, diabetes, cancer, depression, and even dementia. Carbohydrates contain almost all the vitamins and minerals our bodies need to operate normally and optimally. They also contain fiber, which helps normalize our digestive function and slows the absorption of sugar and fats into the body, keeping us balanced. The bonuses in plant foods are phytonutrients, a colorful healing compounds made by plants to protect themselves, but that also protect us against aging, obesity, brain damage, and more.

Success breeds success. This is true if you optimize your lifestyle by tending your meals to reflect a troubled time of day when you’re pressed for time and squeezed for energy, and you come up with a solution, all of your mealtimes will transform.

Lifestyle optimization is not a matter of “discipline,” but of choice.