
Tips To Beat Insomnia After Quitting Marijuana


Pot addiction is one of the hardest things to get over and any pot smoker will vouch for this as a fact. Although Pot is not known to cause physical addiction, it is definitely known to cause psychological addiction and one way or other psychological addiction is pretty hard to beat, after all desire is a very powerful emotion.

Cannabis withdrawal is made more difficult by the onset of withdrawal symptoms which can be quite troublesome in chronic smokers. Although there are many symptoms of cannabis withdrawal, I will discuss Insomnia in this article as this is one of the most important symptoms of cannabis withdrawal.

Insomnia is nearly universal as a symptom of cannabis withdrawal. Almost all individuals who are quitting pot experience some degree of insomnia. It is commonly seen in the first few days after quitting marijuana and can be very acute is some individuals.

Although people may not be able to sleep for days together initially, this condition will usually improve with time. As the THC stored in the body gets detoxified, the normal sleeping pattern should return. Although there is no specific time frame for this resolution two weeks can be assumed as a ballpark figure.

While no known treatments exist for treatment of insomnia due to marijuana withdrawal, some methods do help. Here are a few tips to get over the initial few days of insomnia:-

· If you are unable to sleep, do not lie in bed. Instead try to read a book or indulge in some physical activity. Watching TV is one is unable to sleep is definitely not advisable. Do something productive while you are trying to sleep.

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· Do not sleep during the day. It is possible that you may feel very tired after a sleepless night and want to hit the bed bad, but this will disturb your body clock and prolong the period of insomnia. Therefore wait till night to sleep.

· Make your bedroom dark and silent. This will aid sleep. Also ensure that the temperature is neither too hot nor too cold. Avoid caffeinated drinks and hot baths before sleep.

· A glass of warm milk with some chocolate a hour before sleep can help induce sleep. So does honey.

· If you wake up early, do not lie in bed. Get up and get moving. You could possibly go running or hit the gym. This will pump endogenous cannabinoids in the body and induce sleep.

Insomnia will eventually go and you should be able to sleep as before in a few days time after quitting pot. The more important thing is not to relapse into smoking pot again due to these withdrawal symptoms. Following the above tips can help you beat insomnia.