
Burns: Essential oils for Burns


Are essential oils safe to use for burns?

As an alternative to traditional home remedies, essential oils of all types are increasingly popular. You can use them for hair care, pain relief and bug bites.

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You can also use oils to treat minor, minor burns. A doctor should evaluate deep burns.

Before applying essential oils to the skin, they should be dilute in carrier oil. Aromatherapy can also be achieved by inhaling essential oils. Essential oils should never be swallowed whole.

We will show you how to use essential oils to treat burns, especially first-degree burns. They work, according to studies. Here are some tips to help you use them safely and effectively.

What oils are best for burning?

1. Chamomile (Chamomilla or Matricaria)

Chamomile has traditionally been used to heal skin and wounds. It is also used in skin products and lotions as an ingredient.

It is similar to aloe vera in that it has skin-rejuvenating, moisturizing and emollient properties. Studies have shown that minor burns can be treated with chamomile. Sunburns are also covered by this remedy.

2. Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus)

Eucalyptus essential oil is very popular for topical use, particularly in the healing of burns and wounds. It is also anti-inflammatory, astringent, and antimicrobial.

According to the 2015 review, eucalyptus is used for both burns and other skin conditions like lice bites, cuts, and lice. It may also help prevent infected burns.

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3. Juniper (Juniperus species).

Folk medicine has used essential oils from many junipers to heal wounds. This includes trees of the Cupressaceae genus, such as cedar and Cypress.

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A 2015 study found that thujone (an active ingredient in juniper oils) may aid healing, prevent infection and reduce inflammation. Recent studies like this one from 2016 confirm the thujone content.

Another 2011 study found that some cedar species also contain thujone. Pinene was also found in juniper, according to a 2012 study. This compound is thought to be able to heal burns wounds and reduce scarring.

4. Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

Essential oil studies often mention lavender as a great healer for burns. It is known for its pain-relieving and antimicrobial properties.

An experiment in 2012 showed that lavender essential oils could speed up wound healing. It reduced the inflammation in women who had to have childbirth surgery.

5. Oregano (Origanum species)

It’s more than a simple kitchen herb. Oregano oil, one of the most popular essential oils, has strong antimicrobial activity. It has also been tested for topical burns and wound healing.

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An animal study in 2011 examined the effects of a wound ointment made from sage, oregano and St. John’s Wort. The study found that oregano may help speed up wound healing, even burns. In a 2015 review, marjoram and oregano were also listed as pain relievers.

6. Peppermint (Mentha Piperita)

Peppermint and other mint species have been extensively researched over the years for their use in pain relief. This could make them particularly useful in treating burns.

In a 2011 review, peppermint oil was cited as an effective pain reliever in essential oils. The 2015 review also recommended peppermint oil as a way to prevent illness and relieve pain spasms. It also helped to reduce inflammation.

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7. Pinus species (pine)

Pinene is found in essential oils of pine. This has been shown to reduce inflammation, kill pathogens and reduce scarring. This could make pine essential oil useful for burn treatment.

An investigation of compounds from pine trees found that they can be used as significant anti-inflammatory wound healing agents in 2012.

8. Sage (Salvia species)

Some species of sage may also be effective in treating burns. Clary sage (Salvia. sclarea), is the most popular and easily accessible of all sage types.

Sages have antibacterial properties that may reduce the risk of infection in burns. In a 2015 and 2010 review, Sage was also mentioned for its antimicrobial properties. This 2011 animal study also included St. John’s Wort and oregano for wound treatment.

9. St. John’s Wort (Hypericum species).

St. John’s Wort is well-known for its ability to reduce depression. However, it was originally used to heal wounds. It may also be beneficial for treating burns.

St. John’s Wort has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties that can soothe burns and prevent infection. A 2011 study on animals found that the herb can heal wounds when combined with oregano oil and sage oil.

10. Tea tree (Melaleuca species).

The Australian plant is well-known for its antimicrobial and infection-fighting essential oils. This could make it an excellent burn remedy.

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According to the 2015 essential oil review, tea tree oil was found to have both anti-inflammatory as well as antibacterial properties. This makes it useful in treating burn wounds. Tea tree oil was also cited in a 2010 review as an anti-inflammatory herb.

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11. Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)

This 2011 review mentions thymols, the compounds found in essential oils of thyme. They were also noted for their pain-relieving properties. Thymols can also be found in herbal essential oils like bergamot.